A renowned expert in the field of photography, Pratik has won more than 45 national and international awards in photography. He started his journey into photography at the age of 13, initially documenting nature trails and trekking during his school days. Pratik's father gifted him a point-and-shoot camera, marking the dawn of his photographic journey. He pursued a Diploma in Photography at the Sir J.J. School of Arts.
Nowadays, Pratik travels to different places to explore and witness the beauty of the natural world. He utilizes his camera as a tool to share his experiences with the rest of the world.
Pratik also practices commercial photography, covering genres such as weddings, engagements, pre-wedding shoots, maternity shoots, baby photography, and various other events. Additionally, he specializes in interior and architectural photography. Pratik brings his photographic understanding and creativity to create magical memories of one's event. With him capturing your event, you can be sure to obtain some breathtaking images.
Pratik was invited by the 'Golden turtle photo contest' which is a part of Russia's biggest art festival to join the jury panel of one of the most artistically powerful & longest-running nature photo competitions in the world.

News coverage about Pratik's awards and recognitions
Times of India:
1) https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/mumbai-stunning-images-showcased-at-sanctuary-wildlife-photography-award-2020/articleshow/79816442.cms
2) https://scroll.in/latest/981771/in-photos-squirrels-brush-with-leopard-and-other-picks-from-sanctuary-wildlife-photography-awards
The interview by India's leading photography magazine
3) http://www.betterphotography.in/perspectives/interviews/pratik-pradhan-all-things-bright-and-beautiful-all-creatures-great-and-small/50793/
List of Pratik's remarkable achievements
1) Sanctuary Asia Wildlife Photographer of the year 2020 - first prize in Asia.
Link: https://sanctuarynaturefoundation.org/photography/photo-award
2) Multiple awards at the Nature in focus festival from 2015-2021 including Photographer of the year in 2018.
Link: https://www.natureinfocus.in/environment/nature-infocus-photography-awards-2018-the-winners
3) Only Indian to win the prestigious Asferico photo award from Italy -2021 first prize in the Birds category.
LINK: https://www.asfericocontest.it/2021-gallery/
4) Zoological Society of London first prize from all over the world in 2016.
5) Canon Wild Clicks 6 (2016)- Photographer of the Year- Grand Prize.
6) Wildlife Photography Awards Better Photography 2017- Emerging photographer of the year.
7) International images for science 2017' two images exhibited in the top 100 worldwide.
8) Golden turtle Photo contest from Russia - Second prize.
9) China Wildlife Photo and Video Contest 2021 had multiple prizes including first prize in the Landscape category.
Link for the awards ceremony which took place in December 2021: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1c34y1z7Aj?p=2&spm_id_from=pageDriver
10) Asferico photo award from Italy 2022 consecutively second-time First prize in a category for 'Other animals' category. (Pratik is the only photographer from India to win this prestigious award 2 times in a row)

Pratik Pradhan while receiving the 'Nature in Focus Photographer of the year' title in 2018.